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Bankrupt: no sympathy for priviledged who squander money

And the rest of us have to absorb the costs for those who go bankrupt. Anybody who is 1M in debt should not have spent that money so irresponsibly-- especially when they are lucky enough to have a career that others don't. I think those who file bankruptcy should have to use their home to repay. They don't think even attach the debt to future wages.


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I wonder how much went to plastic surgery? She barely looks like the same person.


re: "should not have"? Hey, we ALL have our "should have" and should not have" stories!

But it's a little hard for me to muster any sympathy for Ms. Polo, seeing as she makes more $$ in one TV episode than many -- heck, MOST -- people make in a year or a few years doing "regular" jobs. Pay yr taxes, live within your can be done.

To "celebrities" and non-celebs alike: Enjoy life, but live within your means.


How did she move out of her home?


No sympathy here. The conditition she apparently left her apartment is utterly disgusting. It's definitely a tell tale sign of a junkie.


Under the new law, she has to pay back all her debts, though. Plus her credit will be shot.


"Under the new law, she has to pay back all her debts, though"


New bankruptcy laws make it more difficult to discharge debt, not impossible. If people couldn't discharge debt in bankruptcy court, then who would ever declare bankruptcy? Rhetorical.....

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
