MovieChat Forums > Robert Patrick Discussion > Robert Patrick kicks ass

Robert Patrick kicks ass

Been a fan since T2. Saw that when I was young. Sure everyone is familiar with that role but I really liked his performance in Fire In The Sky. One of my favorite parts his played actually (besides T-1000 of course).

Robert if you read this please find out if a blu-ray is on the way for Fire In The Sky. Would be great if you and DB Sweeney can do a commentary for it.

Oh and speaking of T2 its cool seeing him in Die Hard 2 now because I always think T-1000 lol (since he looked identical to his T2 role back then)


Yes he does!

Fire in the Sky is one of my favorites - he really showed his range in that one. And I agree - would love to hear his and D.B.'s commentary on a Blu-ray.


