MovieChat Forums > Anna Paquin Discussion > The gap between her teeth

The gap between her teeth

Do you find it cute/ugly?

"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil


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well, at first i loved it... and when she smiles real big u can tell her teeth aren't that great looking but i love flaws in a woman... perfection is boring. and anna's gap is realistic to her role in true blood because even her lips are very redneck southern style... very common over there like in tennessee even among guys. and i respected that she didn't have it fixed, like madonna, even though she has the money. flaws are part of our uniqueness. but despite all that, since she hasn't aged very well, i kinda got sick of her gap because they zoom in alot deliberately in true blood lol... she has a nice body though. its probably cuz i'm just sick of her face lately, and the gap... its both cute and ugly...


A gap is not a flaw.


I had the hugest crush on Anna Paquin between 2000-2003 (bought every single movie she was in on Vhs during that time) during that time period i didn't mind her gap and thought it made her even cuter fast forward 14 years and with her aging the gap makes her look worse, sadly she hasn't aged well (the blonde hair doesn't help).


I find her whole mouth ugly


It gives her an interesting look. She's a very cute girl with a great body. It's pretty silly to criticize a frickin' gap in her teeth.

She may have hit the height of her beauty about the time of "Darkness" and "25th Hour", but that was quite a height(!) and she still looks very good. She's become too identified with Sookie Stackhouse and that horrible accent maybe, but she's hardly over the hill at 32 or whatever.


It's awful. Never watched anything with this woman in because of her fugly gap.

Robin Hood Country....
