MovieChat Forums > Anna Paquin Discussion > Just a really horrible actress or the ch...

Just a really horrible actress or the character?

Her acting seems to be getting worse. And from the preview clips of this season's true blood - every line she regurgitates comes off affected or struggling to remember context. Is she trying to play a stupid young hick? Or just bad acting?


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I wanted to post the same thing, but I didn't want to seem like a troll. Honestly, I think she just doesn't click with the character Sookie Stackhouse. She seems to have trouble conveying the multiple sides of the character from the book. In episode 2 of this season, Alan Ball had the character Eric narrate the two sides of Sookie that we were supposed to see. Whenever a show runner/writer does that, I always feel like it's a commentary on the actor's performance. That said, since we are discussing this on her IMDb board, I doubt many other posters are going to agree.

"The world is round. Get over it."


Anna Paquin is a good actress and Sookie is really starting to become my favorite this season. The hate for her is very undeserving

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The character Sookie isn't as well written as she is in the novels. Novel Sookie fends for herself and doesn't need vampire/were/shapeshifter help every single time she gets in trouble. She's also quite humorous and wittier in the books. It's sad 'cause her character's really great in the books, now people hate the character in the show because it's kinda badly written, in my opinion. Love Anna though :)


It's not the character itself, b/c book Sookie is awesome. I think it's a combo of AP's overacting and the ridiculous lines she is supposed to pull off. (in fact, every character's lines are pretty ridiculous and over the top)

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Probably just the character. She won an Oscar at the age of 11-12 so calling her a bad actress would be a real exaggeration.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


She plays a really good Sookie Stackhouse. She's a GREAT fit for the character.
