MovieChat Forums > Edward Norton Discussion > What are His Chances of Winning the Osca...

What are His Chances of Winning the Oscar?

I know Keaton and Moore are the favorites for the leading roles, but I haven't heard a whole lot about the supporting races. It seems like the supporting actor category is wide open this year with no one huge standout. I know Simmons won the Globe, but that doesn't necessarily always translate to winning the Oscar. Has anyone heard about the supporting actor race this year?


I think Norton has zero chances of winning. I loved his performance, but Simmons is unstoppable this year, and deservedly so.


I think Norton is probably a strong contender, and most likely to get it other than Simmons. But thats a small chance, Simmons will get it 100%.

"You see, I'm not a Monster.... I'm just ahead of the curve".


I think Norton deserves to win 100% for his performance in Birdman but for some reason Simmons is picking up all the awards. And I say "some reason" because if you've seen his work on the HBO show OZ then you know his character in Whiplash is just a less rapey version of that one which should've been rewarded with an Emmy and not an Oscar. I think this is a career award for Simmons but it should be a career award for Norton because he's consistently wonderful and had more layers and notes to play than Simmons.
