MovieChat Forums > Edward Norton Discussion > Ed Norton = Gen Y Mickey Rourke

Ed Norton = Gen Y Mickey Rourke

Norton had his chance and blew it. He is the Gen Y Mickey Rourke, waiting around for another chance when Matt Damon puts him in another movie in 2024.


Except that he was in two of the best reviewed films of the year and is about to be up for another Oscar.



I don't remember seeing Matt Damon in Primal Fear or American History X. I guess Norton don't need that whiner to get nominated.


by hager1951(Wed Dec 24 2014 21:10:54) IMDb member since July 2010

I don't remember seeing Matt Damon in Primal Fear or American History X. I guess Norton don't need that whiner to get nominated.

Nah. Matt Damon was busy during that time (more than 15 years ago, btw) winning an Academy Award for 'Good Will Hunting.'


Yeah, all those failed screenplays that Norton failed to win Oscars for...boneheadx2.


by SeanJoyce(Wed Dec 31 2014 15:27:08) IMDb member since September 2005

Yeah, all those failed screenplays that Norton failed to win Oscars for...boneheadx2.

Yes, exactly. orton-and-his-rewrites-in-his-/59559/

Norton's no Steven Seagal when it comes to screenwriting, although their egos are comparable and neither have been relevant since the '90s. Matt Damon, meanwhile, was nominated for 'Best Actor' for the same Academy Award winning screenplay that won 'Best Picture'. bonehead...indeed!😤


A. Revising a script is hardly the same thing as developing a script from the ground up.

B. Good Will Hunting did not win Best Picture.

C. You keep bringing up a movie from nearly 20 years ago to prescribe relevance to Damon, when in reality his career has been on the skids for some time now. Hereafter, Contagion, Elysium, The Monuments Men...all barrels of suckage. Norton, meanwhile, has seen a significant rise in stock lately with Moonrise Kingdom and an awesome 2014 (which should result in two BP nominees and a guaranteed BSA nomination, where he's perceived as a strong runner-up.) It will only get better if/when Motherless Brooklyn finally comes to fruition.

E. Eff you.

F. All of the above


SeanJoyce (Thu Jan 1 2015 11:15:05)IMDb member since September 2005

A. Revising a script is hardly the same thing as developing a script from the ground up.
B. Good Will Hunting did not win Best Picture.
C. You keep bringing up a movie from nearly 20 years ago to prescribe relevance to Damon, when in reality his career has been on the skids for some time now. Hereafter, Contagion, Elysium, The Monuments Men...all barrels of suckage. Norton, meanwhile, has seen a significant rise in stock lately with Moonrise Kingdom and an awesome 2014 (which should result in two BP nominees and a guaranteed BSA nomination, where he's perceived as a strong runner-up.) It will only get better if/when Motherless Brooklyn finally comes to fruition.
E. Eff you.
F. All of the above

You mad, bro?😨


You projectin', bro?

Don't worry, The Martian is sure to put Damon back up on the scoreboard...from the ever-reliable Ridley Scott, director of such recent successes as Robin Hood, The Counselor and Exodus LOL.
