MovieChat Forums > Nancy McKeon Discussion > Is Nancy now officially retired from act...

Is Nancy now officially retired from acting?

I haven't seen Nancy signed up for any upcoming movie, film or tv projects at all in 2007! Usually films being made in 2007 will have the peoples names cast for the project. I haven't found anything with Nancy in it on IMDB or any other sites out there! Does this mean that Nancy is now retired from all forms of showbiz and media? Is Nancy now fully concentrating on being a full time housewife(mother, house cleaner, stepford-type housewife)?


Hello! She just had a baby. She's just recovering from that and raising a two year old. If she takes a little break, who cares! That doesn't mean she's retiring. She loves show business and will be back.

~Selena Forever~
~Nancy McKeon Fan~


What do you mean that doesn't mean she's retiring? She may have loved show business back then, but she most likely(as feared) may have changed her mind, alltogether, and decided to give up acting for good so she can raise her kids and be a traditional housewife as God intended it to be. As feared, being the private person that Nancy is, she may decide to coddle her 2 kids away from other kids and home school Aurora and the other when they are of school age, instead.


Look, maybe after 25 years Nancy is tired of acting, or maybe she's just taking a break because she has two little kids and that itself is a full-time job.

But why do you need to state it like "Nancy is becoming a brainwashed Stepford wife and throwing her life away to join the God cult of home schooling"?

I think that's out of line, and really disrespectful to someone you claim to be a fan of. Nancy is free to make her choices, and it's sad that you seem to be so disappointed by her so easily.


He's not a fan. Just a troll.


No, Nancy McKeon is not retired from acting! She was in an eppisode of Without a Trace back in November, 2007! If you're wandering when Nancy McKeon will be back on a new TV show or movie, it will occur again, most likely when that dreaded Writers Guild strike of 2007 and 2008 comes to an end!


She'll also be in a show called "Sonny With A Chance" sometime early 2009!


It says in the Trivia section up here that Nancy is officially retired from acting.

That's a shame, I agree she should continue acting for a while yet at least. She's still young, she's got time and money, so she could hire someone to take her babies to the set with her. Lots of celebs do.
I agree its her choice, but I tend to think of that as spending your life away to wash floors and listen to whiny kids when she could hire someone to do housework.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I suspect she's raising babies! ;-)
