Her IMDb photo

Wonder who chose it :S I guess it's cold where she lives!


I thought the same thing! There are plenty of other great pictures of her that are less revealing. Not that it's not a good photo or anything, its just a little distracting.

"Good thing I brought my axe cane"- House


Since when has IMDB allowed X rated photo's on the site???


X-rated? Nah, more like PG-13 at the most.

"We are our own wicked gods"


Since when has IMDB allowed X rated photo's on the site???

Taliban? Is that you?


That's a Very "interesting" photo 

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


It poked my interest.

Sent from my computer, using my keyboard.


I noticed this on the front page today. It does bring up the question of who picks the photos. Is it their agents? Or IMDB staff?

They could probably give her a classier pic. Even sexploitation actresses and Playboy models on here get a more simple and tasteful profile pic.

It's not that offensive to me or anything (and maybe Tina or someone she works with did choose it), but it's just out of step from the thousands of other IMDB profiles on here.


I'd bet 50 bucks that this pic gets her featured in the IMDb star ranking top 50 next week.

There are far more provocative, sexualized images of women on their profiles. This should be tame by comparison but of course, it won't be seen that way
