MovieChat Forums > Jessica Lange Discussion > My "The Gambler" Review:

My "The Gambler" Review:

I saw "The Gambler" tonight, and I thought it wasn't a bad film at all, though it wasn't as good as "The Departed." I really don't understand the bad reviews some have given it. I totally concur with the more positive reviews, and I would agree somewhere around the 82% mark review from the leading Metacritic reviewer, though I do realize it won't make everyone's Top 10 List of 2014. The parts with Lange were absolutely electric. If she had one, ESPECIALLY two more scenes, she would definitely be in the conversation, for the Oscar, as would Goodman. I am frustrated she didn't have a scene towards the end of the film, but not too frustrated to be grateful to have been a part of seeing the film. The theater was surprisingly a packed house, and there was SEVERAL ''oohs'' and ''aaahs,'' mixed in with laughter, but the ending, which should have been a momentous awakening style shot, was left very lukewarm (shot of the vacant lot for 35 seconds), so the anticlimactic aspect kind of left the audience w/the tiniest of a puzzled murmur, considering it was intended to be the sentimental/feel good way of ending.

- I am going to go out on a limb (and if I'm wrong, who really gives a $hit), and predict Lange in my 5th slot ... not b/c I'm a super fan, but I really feel she did the best she could have w/the screen time allotted, and I'm not one to bet against her, in any acting race/scenario, because I have seen her magic happen before, come awards time). Who knows, maybe Lange could be more 'in the conversation' had "The Gambler" been released a month ago. Also, when you watch the film, let me know if you feel that her deep/whiskey voice is as alluring as Kathleen Turner's voice, back in the 80s.


Is her scene in/outside the bank her final scene in the film? How much screentime did she get in total?


I remember watching the original, and the mother in that one had more time than Lange ... in fact, she was in the first 30 minutes of the 1st one. Lange had 7ish minutes during the tennis court scene, then it went to the scene in his appt., immediately followed by the bank scene. The best thing was, scenes 2-3 w/Lange were done consecutively, so it did make more of an impact. She was absolutely FANTASTIC, but if I had to give my overall guess for screen time, I would venture to guess 20 minutes.

- The bank scene was her final scene.


"Jessica Lange is only afforded the opportunity to tear through a handful scenes in Rupert Wyatt's testosterone-fueled remake. She does it like a pro -- knocking down William Monahan's profanity laced dialogue with gleeful abandon. Away from the camp of "American Horror Story," Lange is ferocious here."
- The Huffington Post

“An excellent Jessica Lange, [who gives] a sharp portrait of an outwardly tough mother.”
- The Hollywood Reporter

"Lange succeeds in upping the emotional ante in her few scenes as the embittered mother, reacting to her son’s dilemma with equal parts scorn and horror.”
- Variety

"Lange gets [one of her] meatiest film roles in ages.”
- The Wrap

“Jessica Lange is strikingly memorable. "
- The Boston Herald

"A brief, affecting Jessica Lange.”
- The Playlist (IndieWire)

[Roberta] is given a desperate fury by the great Jessica Lange.
- Chicago Tribune

A terrific Jessica Lange.
- Newsday

Jessica Lange in a stirring, memorable turn.
- The Philadelphia Inquirer


Saw the film last night. Her role is VERY small, on par with The Vow. She'd be lucky to have 8 minutes on screen, not 20!
