MovieChat Forums > Jessica Lange Discussion > Crimes of the Heart

Crimes of the Heart

What are everyone's thoughts on this film and Jess's performance in it?


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I liked the movie, it was funny and rather crazy and good performances all round. Sissy Spacek easily has the best character and gives the best performance. Probably not Lange's best performance but not bad either.

Silver Linings Playbook / O. Russell / Jackman / Lawrence / Waltz / Hunt


Yeah, "Crimes" certainly had a terrific cast. Jess, Diane Keaton, and Sissy Spacek. I mean, come on, how bad could that be. Thanks!


For some reason I thought Jess was Oscar-nominated for her role in this film but alas, I was wrong. IMDB only lists 6 nominations: Frances, Tootsie, Country, Sweet Dreams, Music Box, and Blue Sky. Let me tell ya folks, Jess deserves another Oscar nomination and win.


I've watched this film 20 times or more over the years...does that answer your question? lol
Seriously what a cast!!

...Grace beats Karma


I quite agree! You couldn't ask for three better actresses.


I have watched this film many times, I loved it! What was up with Babe and the sugar?

...Grace beats Karma
