Huppert and Adjani

If these two ever had a bare knuckled fist fight who would win? Adjani is mentally unstable so that gives her an advantage of being really ferocious when riled but Huppert is more crafty and would let Adjani pummel her until Adjani was good and tired. Then Huppert would then deck her several times hard knocking Adjani out cold!


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I'm a hardcore Huppert fan.
So I would have to back Huppert in this fight.
She is a lot smarter than Adjani. And I never saw why they are always mentioned together. For me: there is possible connection. Huppert is the best.


A dreary violent fantasy, aimed for no good reason at two exceptional actors. Q. What would happen if, rather than clutter up the world with this sort of nonsense, you soaked your head? A. The world would be a better place.
