MovieChat Forums > Katherine Heigl Discussion > Her Diva behaviour might be mental illne...

Her Diva behaviour might be mental illness

If this is the case then it is tough to tolerate the behaviour during work time. Producers, directors, co-stars have obviously tried to be understanding and pretend it is not going on, but sometimes the mental illness increases if the person is not given the reaction they seek.

The increase eventually rises too much and everybody has a breaking point where their tolerance ends.

End of the day it is up to the ill person to admit to themselves they are ill and get treatment. They will have heard many point out they should seek help. At some point you you have to move on with the knowledge you did what you could to help.


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Expecting an "intolerable, mentally ill diva" to seek treatment isn't exactly rational, either.


OMG!Now she's mentally ill?? Are you a psychologist, psychiatrist, or even a doctor? That is a ludicrous thing to say. Do you know her? You have nothing to base this on except some bad behavior that some people just won't let go of.
The only possible mental illness I can see here is the people who are obsessing about this woman, who really has NOTHING to do with them. Good God, get a life!
