MovieChat Forums > Katherine Heigl Discussion > Notice her constant refrences to women a...

Notice her constant refrences to women as exploited

sounds like the deprived lass is projecting
"what poor women in Singin the Rain had to go through"
"women judges on their bra size"



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Well look at her. She probably has been judged by her bra size, her looks, been sexually harassed. She's a pretty woman in Hollywood after all.


Yet, her quotes address other things with regards to the topic not related to her looks. Men in Hollywood are judged on thier looks, but you don't hear them protest, or take it as such an offense.
Would she rather be a woman who would not be judged due to being homely, and no attention paid to her sexuality?
Or, if a woman is going to dress and act as provocatively as some do, they then cannot feel so offended (I don't mean being sexually-harrassed) A man who walked around bare-chested is also criticized

I recall when starlets in the 70's,for example, did not complain since it was actually their meal ticket to break into the business. I think it goes deeper than it might appear


I will defend her by pointing out that there is a Melissa McCarthy to every 20 Jonah Hills. Watch any Michael Bay movie and count the women over 40. There is no equality in front of the camera, no. Men get much more slack to age and gain weight.

Lena Dunham is horrbily unattractive, and she gets a show on HBO. Yes.


She knew that going into the business. I could easily say that young actresses get more slack on breaking into the business based on their knock-out looks. It's not supposed to be any more fair then which actors get selected for a role and which don't.

Does she actually realize that even getting into the casting office to read is a hurdle? Look at the numbers: hundreds of agents and managers, each with hundreds of clients, which doesn't include those talented actors who cannot land an agent. Yes, she's complaining.
However, there are plenty of roles for women in low-budget DTV films, if the actess is willing to accept them.

What I am picking up is a woman who is used to getting what she wants or not had to struggle, so such a woman cites any 'unfairness' she sees. What do you think about that concept? (not that men some don't do the same thing)


When she was promoting neutering of pets, she joked she wished it were legal to do to human males. I have zero sympathy for her. Another pampered, overprivileged rich white woman whining about her oppression.
