MovieChat Forums > Katherine Heigl Discussion > She does only 'comfortable' roles!

She does only 'comfortable' roles!

Nearly every movie role of Katherine Heigl has been in romantic comedies for the past several years. With exception of 1995's Under Siege II opposite Steven Seagal. I really do not understand as to why she has not appeared in dramas, thrillers, sci-fy or horror movies? She seems so typecast as the female lead in rom-coms and those are the only movie roles that she has done for many years. Yes she is lovely and talented though why does Katherine Heigl continue to limit herself as an actress?!

Lorenzo In Sunny Arizona

"I am James " Sonny" Crockett!"


Not sure if she's limiting herself as an actress. As far as I'm concerned she's the Doris Day of today. She too did a lot of rom coms and it worked for her. Hopefully KH will have just as long and successful a career.

I've seen a lot of hateful posts about her, but I for one appreciate her talent and will continue to watch her in anything she does. But then I judge actors by their acting and nothing else. I also don't judge other people's career choices. I couldn't imagine anyone having the nerve to ask why I do the job I do and deciding I had limited myself.


You said-I really do not understand as to why she has not appeared in dramas, thrillers, sci-fy or horror movies?

That is not true she has been in many of them genres, horror films like: Bride Of Chucky, Valentine, Descendant,
and don't forget her TV stuff
TV wise in Sci-fy TV film- Wish upon a star, She was in a episode of Twlight Zone called: Cradle of Darkness + in Hit TV Sci-fy show Roswell


Alright and I stand corrected! Though have not seen that Twilight Zone
episode nor those horror films, Valentine & Descendant. Although I
did see her in Bride Of Chucky which I had forgotten that she had
appeared. And do remember Katherine Heigl in Roswell and she was
great in her character too.

Lorenzo In Sunny Arizona

"I am James "Sonny" Crockett!"


Good glad you now stand corrected :-]

You should check out that TZ Episode it is a good one about Time Travel

I know you said you hadn't seen horror films:Valentine & Descendant. But sure you had heard of them though right?

And Yeah She was really good in Roswell TV series

Where you from?


Yes I have heard of those movies before and will need to
watch both to check out Katherine Heigl's performances.

Lorenzo In Sunny Arizona

"I am James "Sonny" Crockett!"


Yea check them out and let me know what you think, Ah I have been to U.S many times but not to Arizona but been to- L.A, Florida, New York, Washington D.C, Boston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Texas, Alabama, Seattle,

I'm from UK in England- You been to UK before?


Alright and thanks for sharing. I used to live in St. Petersburg, FL for
five years and have been in Arizona since March 2014 and have
never been to England or anywhere else in the U.K. though my mom was
born in Liverpool. Her three surviving sisters live in Liverpool,
Oxford & Cannonvale, Queensland, Australia. And I have been "down under."
One of my cousins lives in Liverpool and another in London. Oh I have
visited L.A., New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, S. Dakota, Wyoming, Utah,
Minnesota, N. Carolina & Hawaii. And have driven through New Orleans
though not seen any sites there and have been to Mobile, Alabama and
Gulport, Mississippi. As well as to Daytona Beach, Tampa, Orlando,
Ft. Myers, Ft.Lauderdale & Miami in Florida. So as you can see, Florida
is one of my favorite states since I lived out there for so long and
am a loyal fan of the NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Oh also have my aunt
and her son who is my cousin Kent with his wife and their twin daughters
in Queensland which I have visited. Oh and thanks again for those
movie recommendations.

Lorenzo In Sunny Arizona

"I am James "Sonny" Crockett!"


Ah right so you got some English blood in you as well, How comes your mum moved from England to U.S?? I have been Liverpool many times- I'm from Kent in England so whereabouts does your Aunt and cousin live in Kent

Yea Florida is a nice U.S state def :-]

Your welcome about them film recommendations

You should make a trip to the UK :-]
