MovieChat Forums > Katherine Heigl Discussion > She been blackballed!

She been blackballed!

I heard she been blackballed in Hollywood and now has to do t.v. films and hand-me-down roles that Kate Hudson couldn't even be bother to do.


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You heard?? From whom?? Got anything to back that post up?
Troll harder, stupid.


I heard ur mother was blackballed.


Trolling? How many movies have you seen her in lately.....


The truth is she's pushing 40 and her ship to "A" list stardom has sailed without her.

Anything is possible I guess but her time was almost 10 years ago. She was a hot property, people were talking about her. She was penciled in as the next RomCom queen and could have went in any number of directions from there, career wise.

Instead, she pissed it away. She has the deserved reputation as being hard to work with with-- a diva personality. And a meddling, foul mouth mother as a manager.

It's one thing to be a diva with a solid record of success behind you. It's quite another to have that reputation when your resume is a little thin. Then you're more like Shannen Doherty than Meryl Streep.

Katherine may have a successful career in terms of finances. If she stays in the business she will at some point land with something cushy (if she can mend her ways).

But mainstream stardom? A List? $20 million a picture a la Jennifer Lawrence? Nah. That opportunity went by the boards almost 10 years ago.



publically criticizing Knocked Up certainly didn't help to advance Miss Heigl's career path.
Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan are major players and are not going anywhere. Friends of theirs are extremely loyal, so of course they would not have anything to do with Miss Heigl.


It's not like Judd has been producing anything fantastic lately and Seth has been starring in the same boring *beep* he has been starring in for years. Their careers have definitely peaked. It's more like Kathrine's romcom queen status has long sailed. She needs to go into less romcom roles and more dramatic ones, if she does possess the chops for that. She has unfortunately burnt some bridges in the romcom world. I haven't actually seen many actresses who have had to go through something like this but I hope she will bounce back from this spade of bad luck soon and find an agent who will revive her career. Perhaps, leave her momager behind too while she's at it.


Considering how she has bashed the show and movie that put her on the map, I don't blame them. Face it who would want to hire an actress who might bash the project they worked so hard on.

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