MovieChat Forums > Katherine Heigl Discussion > Why is she so hated in Hollywood

Why is she so hated in Hollywood

Seems like people constantly bash her. How many people's cheerios did she piss in to deserve so much hate?


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What I was able to gather is that she causes delays in shooting and causes the budget to be exceded. In Hollywierd it is all about the money


Sometimes I question how bad she actually is. I hear all these horror stories about her, but she's still clearly getting work. I don't doubt that she has stepped on some toes, but I get the feeling the truth is more in the middle.


I think it was the way she handled herself when she got really famous. She made awfull comments about the movie "Knocked Up", being this movie who launched her - now deceased - "movie star" career. She said that the writers made women look like monsters or something like that. If she strongly disagreed with the script, why did she said yes?
And then there was the way she behaved before leaving Grey's Anatomy, the show who made her famous: first she agreed on appearing in one more season and then changed her mind, because her movie career was taking of. She couldn't bother to at least finish the season, to give a proper closer to her character (and fans!). That's why Izzie's story ended so abruptly, and now they don't even mention her (odd enough her being one of the major character of the show).
After leaving Grey's, she made a pair of romcoms who were blockbusters (27 Dresses, for example) and she thought that she was a movie star, that she could diss on everyone and everything from the beginning of her career. But the news about her behavior became popular and my guess is that besides of being blacklisted in Hollywood, she lost her audience's sympathy 'cause people could no longer see her as a girl next door (as every character she had portrayed) but people saw her as a stucked up b...instead. And if the audience can't relate with the actor, it's really hard (no to say impossible) for them to lead a successful movie ( her disastrous movie with Ashton Kutcher is a proof of that).


She exercised her rights and damaged her career in the process. Words have consequences. There is no such a thing a free speech without consequences, when are people going to get that through their heads? KH is not owed a job or an audience in the entertainment industry.


Don't bite the hand that feeds you. The sad part is if this was a guy behaving the same way, they would still have a career.


You said exactly what I was thinking.
