Who cares..

Who cares if she's a bitch? At least she speaks her mind. There are so many actresses that look and say as they're told but when someone has the bravery to be themselves in the public eye they're labeled a "bitch".


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Politics are a part of life. Especially in Hollywood. You can't bad mouth people with the power to ruin you.


You're right. I mean it's pretty easy to get away with being a bitch. I think every worker in America should treat their employer or potential future employers with a bitchy attitude... that will get them real far in their profession. Maybe even to the top.

End sarcasm.


Agreed. People are surprised she's not this totally wholesome, mind mannered and meek woman.

Despite what she appears to be, she's a fantastic actress.


By all means speak your mind, Just don't expect to get many jobs after you bite the hand that feeds you.


That's not how the world works. Nobody can just say whatever they want with no consequences.


How are people still making this argument... There's a difference between being yourself and being a *beep* person to others. You should not EVER be respected for being a *beep* person to others, even if that is who you are. Those people do not deserve respect and should work very very hard at changing their behavior. If Katherine really is just an *beep* to everyone, then she does not deserve work. People should treat each other with a certain amount of respect, otherwise you'll have no friends and no one will want to work with you. There're too many actors/actresses who get away with this, and I'm sure there's a whole slew of better unknowns who can't break through because these *beep* keep getting work.


I like to speak my mind around my friends and family.

But I do not act that way around my work or my boss especially. Why? Professional courtesy. Its the basics of work ethics ya know.

She seemed to think she was special and irreplaceable like some actors/actresses that can speak their mind and get away with it. Not the case.
