boring commentary

is anyone else surprised by how boring most of his commentaries are? Spinal Tap was the exception, but he was in character for that one. But the A Mighty Wind and Waiting for Guffman commentaries I was really disappointed by


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His commentaries are still better than most people's. But commentaries are supposed to be boring, unless you really want to know all of the behind the scenes details.

This Is Spinal Tap's commentary was different than most, obviously. Most people don't do it in character like they did. However, them doing it like that, you don't get to learn about what really went on during the filming of the movie. I do believe that there's a now out-of-print version of This Is Spinal Tap with a regular commentary on it, though. I'd kind of like to get my hands on that.

"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."
-Tony Montana


I agree. I tried to watch the Best in Show commentary and it bored the heck out of me. And I usually enjoy commentaries, especially if the actors are some of the ones doing the commenting.


I recently watched the commentaries on Best in Show and A Mighty Wind. I thought they were interesting because Guest and Eugene Levy would talk about alternate takes (with different improvisations) that didn't make it into the film and odd little details about production that you might not otherwise notice (I didn't realize it until they pointed it out, but Bob Balaban's foot was broken when he made BIS, and you can see him limping when he brings out the trophy cup at the end).
