hangover 2 ?

Is she not in it?


apparently not which sucks.
hopefully she might make a cameo, hate for her character to be forgotton.

Last Films: Red 7/10, Saw 3D 7/10


It's not in her credits. I don't think there should be a hangover 2, but if there must be one, I think she should be in it. There seemed to suggest that her and Ed Helm's character would have something romantic in the future...

get to know me // http://hurtmesogood.livejournal.com/


I guess not........ I am VERY pissed off at this.

Team Jill
This isn't what John wanted....
You chose this. - Saw IV


Me too. I think Heather should have been in this 2nd movie.


Yeah exactly She should have been Part II, during the end of The Hangover it made it seem as they were going to continue with a relationship. Now in The Hangover Part II Stu is getting Married wtf??? I guess Stu was Pretty busy during these couple of years.

I Love Movies
