MovieChat Forums > Annabeth Gish Discussion > How much weight did she loose here?!?!?!...

How much weight did she loose here?!?!?!!

OK I am a fan of annabeth gish, she is beautfil, talented, smart and she wasnt one of those skinny freaks like Paris, but looking at her pics on imbd here the ones of her in June 2005, it looks as if shes gone anorexic....What the hell happened. It was nice to have a role model out there who actually had some meat to her, and wasnt following Hollywoods norms that you have to be skinny to suceed.

Annabeth, gain some weight gurl!!!!


that's from January 2006, she looks fine to me...

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia


I think she gave in to the pressures of Hollywood, too bad really, she used to be one of a kind. Now she's like everyone else. Whatever happened to that beautiful young woman she used to be, the one I had a major crush on back in the late '80s ? Today she has this cold blank and empty stare, no more glow or twinkle, maybe it's just her serious parts of late, who knows.
She's but a shadow of herself, that weightloss seem like an obsession, her face is almost like that of an alien now. A skinny scarecrow, don't think I saw her look 'normal' since that dud "Steel" (1997). Facelift or just weightloss, I'm not sure anymore, maybe both, but she used to be such a cutey, of course that was all before her breast reduction too. Oh, the horror...


I suspect one unfortunate way she gave in to the pressures of Hollywood is by giving in to her addiction to cigarettes (see below). Probably explains why she had lost all that weight. Too bad really.

Proof she has smoked (or quit) "in real life"
• "Question: Are you a real-life smoker? Or do you smoke herbal cigarettes? Are you the next CSW (Cigarette-Smoking Woman) LOL? Annabeth_Gish: Just like Monica [her X-Files character] ...I'm trying to quit! : )", online chat, Apr. 23, '01
• "She was smoking and I asked her if she was still trying to quit, she said she was. I asked her to sign the call sheet I had got from a crew member and she did, which was cool. Then she finished her cigarette and said she had to go.", website, Aug. '01


She's still a good looking lady!


I don't know what you're talking about. She looks FAFH in that photo.
