MovieChat Forums > Annabeth Gish Discussion > Annabeth as Agent Reyes again in X-FILES...

Annabeth as Agent Reyes again in X-FILES 2?

The story linked above has Robert Patrick looking forward to the next X-FILES movie.

Now it just wouldn't be right if Agent John Doggett returned without Agent Monica Reyes at his side. Anyone agree with me?

I liked Annabeth as the young FBI agent, and I hope Executive Producer Chris Carter has a key role for her in the movie.


I totally agree with you!!

I think Annabeth was great in the X-files, and would love see Agent Reyes in the next movie!

She and Robert Patrick really were the x-files in the 9th season, and it wouldn't be right to the movie without BOTH of them!

I can understand the need to have Mulder & Scully in the next movie, but I really hope Doggett and Reyes will have (at least) equally big parts in it.... in my opinion that would make it a much better movie....


Oh yeah. Me, too. I agree. Annabeth has just GOT to be in the movie, or I won't be nearly as interested in the second X-Files movie. She was awesome! And Scully's best girlfriend. I guess her only girlfriend. And Scully needed someone else to trust besides Mulder all the time.


I didn't know Chris Carter was planning to do another X Files movie. That would be great, but I hope it will be better than the original (I mean, I enjoyed it but not that much).
Of course, Annabeth Gish deserves a big part in it. I also hope that we can see her more often in theatres.


I so hope the next film comes out, and i hope both reyes and Dogget are killed off in the first couple of minutes. They both suck, they are not Mulder and Scully and they both cant act. The X files is the Mulder and Scully show and when they took a back seat there was a huge out cry from most fans, so if they are gonna be in the next film they wont have as big roles as Mulder and Scully.

Thought it was *beep* hillarious when they had such a small role in the finale.


" they are not Mulder and Scully "

Thanks for clearing that up for us, Einstein.


I didn't think I would like the X Files without Mulder and Scully in it so much but I thought the way they brought Doggert in at the end of Season 7 (I think) was fab and I ended up really loving the character. Then they introduced Reyes and I really liked her too. Who would have thought??? lol

As for saying they can't act - wow - that's really not true lol which series were you watching??? LOL

G x


well ive always considered myself a weird fan but many ppl said they doggett and reyes when they 1st appeared on the show but i LOVED them both


i'm a HUGE fan of the x-files and loved Mulder and scully.I loved seeing a new pairing.It was really refreshing.

Gil Grissom: Every day we meet people on the worst day of their lives.
