MovieChat Forums > Lara Flynn Boyle Discussion > Conan Interview - 09/16/05

Conan Interview - 09/16/05

She seemed drunk/high and generally rude on the show.

Just me or is this what she's always like?


she was a btch



Damn. you guys beat me to it.
Yeah what a bitch, but man it was funny watching conan's reactions. He obviously regreted booking her within 5 minutes of the interview.
Dumb Dumb Woman.
The Dutch interview was funny though.


lol yeah, but Conan got her back in the end :p
Don't think she'll be back for a while..

i feel root vegetable. am i dead? or buried alive?


i dont know why you people overreact. she was mean, but not in the brutal way.. funny mean. she often laughed when conan got all anxious. it's the nice kind of mean.


I thought Laura Flynn Boyle was great on the show. She and Conan had great chemistry together going back and forth with their wit. If Boyle didn’t actually like being on the show, she would have left after her segment and made some crap up about having other things to do. She kept cracking up and covering her mouth. And when the show cut to a commercial break you saw Conan O’Brien and her talking to each other as the camera paned away.

Also I am sure the producers would have asked her to leave before the next segment if O’Brien had been truly p*ssed off.

She talked about wanting a boob job and that she couldn’t get one because she has talked against them in the past. It was great to hear her say that she wanted boobs and not hide the fact about it.

She looked great on the show with her hair pulled back and with the blue jeans!

She stayed for the entire show.


Yeah, I just watched a clip of this at

Yeah, she was obviously a bit caned - she couldn't string her thoughts together and by the end she just wants out of it. But she wasn't rude, only trying to riff - she smiles n laughs throughout. Poor cow is just a bit messed up.


Thanks for the link, eyeballs!

People like her are why I don't watch late night tv anymore. It's just painful. Some folks embarrass themselves so horribly I can't stand it. I mean, I still have nightmares about the time Joaquin Phoenix went on Jay Leno and he was all hepped up on pills. Eek!


Someone on this board posted a link, so I thought I'd check it out.
I seriously don't see what all the fuss is about.
True, she is terribly thin and has a dodgy botoxed mouth, but I thought she was on the ball.
I thought it was really funny and She and Conan synchronised really well.
Funny how people perceive things in totally different ways, isn't it?

Klaatu Barada Nikto
