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Mia's Cut Scene from "John Paul Jones" (Debut, 1959)

Today saw yet another film the existence of which I'd known for years but never seen, John Paul Jones[/i] from 1959 starring Robert Stack, supposedly Mia Farrow's film debut. Her brother, John Charles, had a nice role as young John Paul. Here is Mia's own account from her memoir [i]What Falls Away:

When the day finally arrived for my film debut, I was nervous after the months of anticipation and preparation. "From our petticoats, sir" had to be the most practiced line in cinema history. Wearing a costume made specially for me, I was taken onto the set, a huge sailing ship, and placed among a cluster of women surrounding the star, handsome Robert Stack. I was shaking. There was some talk, and then suddenly Robert Stack was saying, "And where did you get the material to make this flag?" My cue, surely this was my cue. I opened my mouth to speak when, from behind me, a velvety, seductive voice was saying, "From our petticoats, sir." Stunned, I whipped around: the ravishing woman speaking my line was Mrs. Robert Stack. So it goes.

Mia also told this story very affectingly to a sympathetic David Letterman on his show, explaining that each member of their large family received a line for their birthday and this was supposed to be hers. Letterman asked what she did and she said, "I swallowed hard," and he said, "It's a heartbreak business."

I watched every minute of this film on TCM, which airs movies uncut, except for ducking out a few times to move sprinklers. Just to be sure I scrolled through the entire thing on YouTube. Although there are several scenes involving both ships and flags (including a very cute shot of a little dog standing at attention for the flag which made Mom and me laugh, and an anachronistic use of "The Star-Spangled Banner"), not one single scene appears showing any women aboard a ship, nor discussing flags or material for them whatsoever.

There is a picture of Mia and another brother (not the one who played John Paul) in costume on the set. Was this scene ever filmed, or did Mia just make it up from jealousy of her brother having a speaking role? If this scene existed at all, was Mia telling the whole truth? Maybe instead of swallowing hard she burst out bawling so violently the scene couldn't be used though that does not explain why they wouldn't reshoot with the other women sans Mia. Or maybe this took place but was a put-on to Mia and there was no intention of using the scene. (Mean trick if so.) Can't help but wonder! Can anyone tell me if Mia appears anywhere in this film and if so where? Thanks.
