Gorgeous woman!

I was casually surfing the internet and came across a video of Judi Dench singing "Send in the Clowns. Song not a favorite: singer a YES. Anyhoo, this woman is in her 70s? She is utterly lovely. She and Helen Mirren could give the youngsters a lesson on style and beauty. POint to Lindsay Lohan, it is much better to look at least 15 years YOUNGER when you are in you are in your 60s or plus than to look 15 years older in your 20s.

I am a 48 year old woman and look young for my age which is in small part to my efforts in exercise, sunscreen and diet but more because I am very lucky. But, I see Dame Judi Dench and Helen Mirren as true beacons of beauty, and I can only hope to look as good as either of them.


Yes, this video was the BBC Proms a few weeks ago (if we're thinking of same the one). I saw Judi perform it and she was FAB ! I agree about Dench looking great for age, and I think the same of her very good friend Maggie Smith too.


Does Judi Dench look years younger than she is? Or is it that she's so radiant we don't notice that she looks her age? I just googled Judi Dench Images and she is indeed beautiful, so beautiful that the question of age simply doesn't enter into it.

"The night was sultry."


47 year old male here. She is fantastic and beautiful indeed.


My thoughts exactly. The woman is beautiful and classy and has aged better than some of the "young" stars *cough*Lohan*cough*

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