Enchanted 2

Does IMDB know something the rest of the world doesn't know yet?

They've added Enchanted 2 to Patrick's profile but I haven't seen any articles or news saying he's officially signed on for the movie yet. I know they want him but I definitely haven't heard anything. Did I miss something or is IMDB just rushing to conclusions?

Of course they also have his next movie still listed as "Untitled" when it does have the name of Flypaper now so maybe they're just entirely off.


actually IMDB does know something the rest of the world doesnt....have you checked IMDB pro before?
this site isnt just some fan made database, its legit.


I know it's a legit site. I'm just asking because they made the announcement that Enchanted 2 was definitely being made but none of the stars has signed on yet and then a few days later IMDB had both Patrick and Amy listed as being on it...which I've seen confirmation no where else. So I'm wondering where the info came from.

And as legit as it might be...it doesn't get everything right...because as I said, they sill have his new movie as untitled while other places have announced the name.
