MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Davies Discussion > Why does he play such annoying character...

Why does he play such annoying characters?

Both Rescue Dawn and Saving Private Ryan he was annoying and painful to watch.I know it's usually to prove a point but I rather just not have him in the movie at all.


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well thats one way to look at it, personally i think the two characters in both movies are the most interesting.

He almost never play likeable characters but that doesnt make them annoying in my oppion. But I do get what you are saying, the first time i watched SPR i did get mad at him for not doing anything.

he's a great actor playing great roles

Work is for people who dont know how to fish


He was also really annoying in "Going All the Way" and "The Locusts". Luckily both Rose McGowan and Vince Vaughn's respective hotness saved both of those movies.


Most actors have a niche of their own. Jeremy Davies has neurotic characters. Sacha Baron Cohen has odd, funny characters. Owen Wilson has slightly pathetic, comedic characters. The point is that he's good at giving painful-to-watch, irritating characters, and that's good.


He's absolutely fantastic in Lost
He's one of my favorite characters.


Yeah I like him in Lost



This is exactly how i feel about him.
His acting is so annoying that it looks like the character he is playing is annoying, even if they are not supposed to.
Take "Rescue Dawn": I don't think his character should be annoying. He is desperate and confused, but because of Jeremy Davies he is foremost annoying.


Yeah,i'm glad you brought it up coz no matter how many times i see Saving Private Ryan,his character never fails to annoy me..and i still keep wondering why Speilberg decided to keep his useless character Upham alive in the end!
