Human Filth

I seriously don't understand why a piece of filth criminal get's as much love as this human filth. Gang bangers are the filth of the planet. They kill kids, women, anyone for only reason that it makes them think that their cool. Ice Cube along with Dr. Dre, Ice Tee, and all these pathetic Gangster Rap Stars love violence. In Chicago, where I live, there's a serious crime situation where blacks are killing blacks, as well as kid's and innocent people. Ice Cube is not only a fan of this, but someone who's having fun with it.

Goodluck to all the N*****S and B*****S who worship this piece of *beep*

I Guess being a celebrity makes it OK.


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Robert Downey Jr. - Arrested numerous times on drug charges

Mark Wahlberg - Charged with attempted murder

Mickey Rourke - Charged with spousal abuse

Christian Slater - Charged with drunk driving and assault. Tried to board a commercial airline with a loaded gun in his luggage. Assaulted ex-girlfriend and a police officer. Sexually assaulted a woman on the street.

Woody Harrelson – Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, Drug Possession

Hugh Grant – Sex in public with a prostitute

Martha Stewart – Lying To Federal Investigators And Conspiracy

Tim Allen – Drug Trafficking

Justin Bieber – DUI & Criminal assault

Ice Cube - No criminal record

Filth of the planet. I see what you mean...

You're a pushy little bastard, ain'tcha?-Sensei John Kreese


ice cube has no criminal record nor was he ever been in a gang

Maybe you should learn the facts before speaking about things you clearly not know nothing about


He's not a gangbanger he's a fraud , he just acts like a hard ass and raps about that fiction . Truth is he's been a millionaire since he was 16 and very far from the hood


None of them is as a racist as ice cube is though.
They don't make songs and sing about how Koreans are ugly and all the cops are pigs in public either.
However, because ice cube is black, he gets away with everything.


Ok, raggman720...

I'll give you all the people you listed except for Martha Stewart. I personally do not see why inside trading is a crime. I mean, I know it is illegal, but it shouldn't be, because all she was trying to do was save her money from being lost on some junk stock. I don't blame her...if it were me, I would have done the same thing.

I don't know a lot about Cube's personal life, except that he fathered a child with an east coast girl, and threatened her when she was awarded child support. I know the kid was his because I saw her and she looks just like him. I don't know if I would call him human filth, but I will call him a deadbeat....


Perhaps he's a better actor than most give him credit for. I don't mind him if what he's in is all right.


He's not a gangster and never was, he's an actor and a story teller. He's not only been dissed by many other rappers for being a fake, he was sued by a former member of his Lench Mob crew for stealing his life and using it as his own in his lyrics. He grew up in the valley and went to college. Thugs don't do that. He was a former Nation of Islam zombie, but apparently outgrew that.

We’re trying to pretend as if these comic books don’t exist. - David Goyer on the DCEU
