MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Racism is endemic in the US legal system

Racism is endemic in the US legal system

If a famous black man is found innocent in a USA court of law he will immediately be sent to retrial and face a predominantly white jury.


Well, actually the right for Cosby to have a fair trial (which he hadn't) was defended by the very same people who are labeled as nazis, sexists and racists... while the official "anti-racism" threw him under the bus.


Blacks suffer a lot more from being poor than they do from being black. It’s no surprise that social justice is brought to us by the purveyors of economic injustice. University professors will tout the benefits of war and bank bailouts all day long for their government masters, but if you say the n word, that’s heresy. Unless you’re a millionaire rap singer for a large record label.

I wonder if OJ Simpson is in jail today because the sexism of killing his wife now overshadows being a victim of racism. Cosby will let us know.


Tell that to OJ - hell, most black people have even changed their tune on his innocence now. When it comes to, "Justice", it's not black or white - it's money. And not even money could save Cos. The evidence was just way too overwhelming. Did you even look at the evidence? It's insane really. They've been saying along along that it will be an uphill battle, and it was was.


"When it comes to, "Justice", it's not black or white - it's money. "

Ain't it the truth! More and more, the wealthy are above the law, and I'm glad to see justice done in at least one instance.

Still waiting on Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Brian Singer, etc.!


Could you please provide one example? No one of any color in the US legal system has ever been sent for retrial after being found Not Guilty. It's not legal. Ever hear of double jeopardy? It's possible, in some cases, for the federal government to try (though it shouldn't be) if the State fails, but that's not a retrial, it's a new, separate trial.


Cosby was not "found innocent." His first trial was hung, hence the retrial.


Yes. Clearly the OP has no idea what he's talking about.

I also have to assume he must be too young (or too old and forgetful) to know who OJ Simpson is.


Neither Sharpton nor BLM are supporting Cosby.


Yes, if you have money you can buy the best defense attorney's..they simply whup up on an outgunned prosecution. Still, O.J.'s lifestyle was practically ruined. O.J. lost his Hollywood house and fake friends, he lost a majority of his wealth, forcing him to hightail it to S. Florida. He ended up in jail for 8 or 9 years on trumped up charges. Now Cosby is a convicted sex offender, which will be his legend forevermore.
I'm glad that even though I'm not wealthy I'm not going assault defenseless people and end up in prison and shame.


Cause cosby was conservative. Cosby's message that black men need to stick around and father their childrenm and encourage higher education in the black community didn't sit well with their victim agenda.


Every one was going to find him innocent but then that one juror deadlocked and forced a mistrial. I wish they'd use an 8 in 12 system instead of this all or nothing nonsense where one juror can hijack the whole court.


Then how did they find 12 the second time?


...he will immediately be sent to retrial and face a predominantly white jury.

Google "Double Jeopardy". Hint, it doesn't involve Alex Trebec... As for the white jury remark, I'll just attribute it to a white boy who wants to stir the racial hornet's nest like a good troll.


The predominantly white jury is because he lives in a predominantly white, rich neighborhood. Judged by his peers.
