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In what movie does he sport a chest wig?


He has always had a hairy chest. Perhaps for some movies the director or producer wanted him to wax it, because they thought it would fit the character he played better, or that it would look better on the screen.

I'm glad it seems there's a tendency going on in which actors don't shave anymore. All those fake looking barbie boys... it looks unnatural to me. When you grow a forest, I can understand men want to trim it a little here and there. But no hair at all... For thousands of years men where happy with their body hair, and women liked men with body hair. The industry has made people believe in just a matter of years that body hair is unattractive and dirty. And the sheep follow and all shave their hair, or have their men shave their hair, because "it is supposed to be done" and "everybody does it". There's no dirty hair, just some men are dirty.
