MovieChat Forums > Billy Campbell Discussion > Saw him on his new amc show. He got old!

Saw him on his new amc show. He got old!

Not that we haven't all, but man. As a person who remembers him as the rocketeer, I was shocked! Has it been THAT long?!
The answer is.... Yes.

Coming Soon... The December Man


Well he is over 50 years old and a veteran in the industry.

Its that man again!!


Paybacks are a Behar!


I noticed his skin has "aged" since GHOST TOWN. I saw a clip from his new movie and I thought to myself, "Being on that boat for 18 months was NOT good on your skin." I think all those winter months in the mountains, etc., did the same thing to Robert Redford when he was in his 40s. If you're going to expose your skin to the elements, you HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF IT!!!!

Don't worry, Billy. Before I moved to CA (the same "time" as you and Tom Shadyac), I used to work as a Cosmetologist. Take Coconut Oil and Krill Oil every day--then stop by my house and I'll give you a facial massage. And FACE AEROBICS does wonders in just three days. DANG IT! I just gave all my anti-wrinkle secrets. Well, since I still don't have any wrinkles, I guess they're not secrets anymore. Anything for Billy and his fans!


That's what happens over 20 years.


Personally, I think he got better-looking as he matured. Seriously, in his 40s he was HOTTER than when he was in THE ROCKETEER. And in his 50s, he's aging like fine wine. Unfortunately, unlike most people in their 50s, the "fine wine" is making his neck too skinny--but that will NEVER stop me from looking. :)
