MovieChat Forums > Lorraine Bracco Discussion > She's gained a TON of weight!!!

She's gained a TON of weight!!!

Just saw Lorraine Bracco on the View. What happened to her?? She has gained a lot of weight. She looks ghastly now. She could lose at least 20 lbs to get back to her former self. I always thought of her as a MILF but now her appearance has changed my mind.

Anyone know why??


Just saw her on the Colbert Report and ya, holy crap, she's put on serious pounds.


I know she was so sexy and sophisticated on the show and i see her now and shes gained weight and her voice sounds like grizzled new york hooker. God her voice was worse than the weight in my opinion.


I saw her on Colbert Report too, and I just wonder how the writers of the Sopranos can play this: do they just ignore it or does Tony tell her on his next visit, "Holy sh*t what da *beep* happened to you?"

By the way, did she look kinda, er, high to anyone else who saw Colbert or has she always been a rather eccentric interview?


They showed clips of Sopranos and her weight was never mentioned. Even with makeup, her cheeks have puffed up from the weight gain in the scene with Tony. It's the last season; too late to do anything now. The show has been off 21 mos and now the final season is getting underway. But 20-30 lb gain in that time frame?? I'd say she's hitting 150 lbs! Argh!


By the way, did she look kinda, er, high to anyone else who saw Colbert or has she always been a rather eccentric interview?

Yeah. I was thinking the same thing when I saw her on the Colbert Report. She looked like she was flying high on something.


I heard certain drugs (legit and illegit) can make you gain weight. Was she ever sick over the 21 mos. hiatus?? That could explain the weight gain IMO.


One of the leading causes of obesity is boredom. 21 months off, I'd be damned bored!

[email protected]


Some psychiatric drugs cause weight gain, like some of the older antidepressants and some antipsychotics. Boy, that'd be ironic!
