MovieChat Forums > Halle Berry Discussion > halle berry or vivica a. fox?

halle berry or vivica a. fox?

just curious who you thought was bigger in the 90s? and when i say bigger i dont mean better. i dont care who was in better movies or who was the better actress of the 2. just who had more fame and name recognition. it's clear halle berry skyrocketed to fame in 2000 with her role in x-men followed by swordfish where she bared her breasts and then monster's ball, and oscar win etc etc.

but prior to that i was looking at their filmography and i think vivica was bigger in the mid to late 90s with her roles in soul food, independence day, set it off, batman and robin, booty call etc. before x-men the only thing i really knew halle berry for was her small role in the flinestones.

thoughts? what does everyone think, who was the bigger star in the 90s


Vivica was NEVER bigger than Halle. Are you HIGH?


Vivica was always a b list actress even in the 90s. Halle was better known and appeared in more hits than she did. Also not to forget Halle was and still is hotter than vivica.


Vivica was never bigger than Halle. Vivica was in a lot of big movies in the 90s, but she didn't have the star power that Halle had. Once Halle was in Boomerang, people became in awe of her. She was all over the place. People knew who she was more than Vivica. People wanted Halle's hair cut from what I could remember. Believe me Halle was always bigger.


Ha ha ha good answer.
