MovieChat Forums > Halle Berry Discussion > Hearing loss just a sham?

Hearing loss just a sham?

I read articles and watched the interview with Barbara Walters where Halle claims to have lost 80% of hearing in her left ear, yet I can't find any photos or videos of any sort've hearing aid. It's hard for me to believe that someone who's suffered that much damage doesn't wear any assistive device.


Interesting point. She could be exaggerating the percentage, but I don't believe someone as shallow as she is would wear a hearing aid.


If that was indeed the case just imagine living like that. It would be like hearing everything in mono. I certainly couldn't cope with that no matter how the public would perceive me.


You do know the actual reasoning behind her hearing loss right?... It was brought about through the domestic violence she went through with her "then" boyfriend ... Acclaimed actor Wesley Snipes.... Yeah, seems as though "Blade" was whooping more than Vampire a$$.. If you catch my drift... Sad story... But google is your best friend, look it up.


Well aware of the "reason" so no need to go there. More interested in why we never see her with some sort've hearing aid for someone who's lost 80% of their hearing...


You're "Interested" in seeing a hearing aid in her ear for further validation that she's 80% deaf? ... lol ... Who are you again? and if you seen this proof, what type of pleasure would it grant you? I'd imagine that upon wearing it (if so) in films, she would have it digitally removed while on the editing room floor before it hits theaters. Further more, if she goes through these lengths to obviously hide the disability, then i'd highly doubt anybody would see her wearing it in an interview or press run; despite being vocal about it to the public. Or maybe you need proof that her "claims" are real because you doubt the origins of how it came to be with Wesley beating her a$$; a backstory that you allegedly are well aware of.

👌 Gotcha, makes sense.

" Time To Show Gus How Dis Suppose To Be Done!!! "


Due to illness, my brother lost all the hearing in one ear when he was ten: assistive devices were not available for his particular problem for about another eighteen years. He had perfect hearing in the other ear.

Even when he got a hearing aid, he tended, for various reasons, not to use it. He coped very well. For some reason, he was embarrassed by it and did not want people to know about it. I was a baby when he lost his hearing, and I never realised it had happened until my mother told me when I was a teenager. He was going out with his wife to be for about three years before she twigged and asked my mother about some aspects of his behaviour (e.g always insisting on being on one particular side of her ).

So, yes, I can believe Halle Berry doesn't wear a hearing aid - particularly in the environment in which she works.


Her acting is awesome, love her movies


This is silly. I have almost complete hearing loss in my left ear and don't wear a device (mainly b/c it's $5000 for the special hear aids I would need. Also I don't like things in my ears. It's uncomfortable). But I must be faking it, right?
