MovieChat Forums > Anne Baxter Discussion > Very distinctive voice

Very distinctive voice

Just happening to be listening to an episode of Columbo and without even watching the screen I could identify her as the actress from All About Eve.


Ah, the days when TV shows might have guest stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood.

From the IMDb trivia section:

Edith Head, one of Hollywood's greatest costume designers, was a long-time friend of Anne Baxter. Along with creating Baxter's full wardrobe, Head also makes a guest appearance. Head's designer office is shown during the episode. On the desk are displayed her real seven Academy awards. She had yet to win her eighth and final award, for the movie The Sting (1973).

Anne Baxter (Zelda the great) and Roddy McDowell (Short Fuse murderer/Bookworm) are the only two actors to be arrested by both Columbo and Batman.
