Think Twice

I don't see how any person of good conscience can possibly support projects involving either Penelope Cruz or Javier Bardem after their blatant display of anti-Semitism.

They're the Fred Phelps and David Duke of Hollywood now. No thank you.


I have always been a big fan of his and own everything of his I can get my hands on, but this does bother me. It makes me sad.


I guess those thousands of Israeli's protesting against this slaughter, are all self hating Jews too, right? It's freaks like you who trivialize the very meaning of "anti-semitism".


Glad you made an account just to write this. Did israel pay you to support them? People using anti-semitism excuse need to take a step back and educate themselves.


They're getting desperate. Doesn't matter how many shills that flood these boards with their old and tired victim claim, world opinion is is changing rapidly especially after the latest bloodbath in Gaza. These paid propagandists better save up their money because once the cheques from Uncle Same start bouncing, they'll have to get real jobs like everyone else!


It's just ADL spying and propaganda. You can tell it a mile off, with the cries of anti-semitism and not much else.


You do know that Palestinians are also semites, right numbnuts?


Anti-semitism is hating jews. Javier Bardem does not hate jews. The fact that he opposes the actions of Israel does not make him anti-semitic. He disagrees with their policy. However, there has been a custom of accusing people who oppose certain actions done by jews of being anti-semitic.


Criticizing Israel and it's politics doesn't make one anti-Semitic, nor is it an anti-Semitic act.
There are many Jews who dislike Israel's actions too. Does that make them anti-Semitic?
