MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > Has a really funny twitter.

Has a really funny twitter.

Kinda thinking of actually following it.

I mean, she's funny !

preggo share..woke up from nap,said "I need pizza" went back to nap, woke 30 min later, ate said pizza, went back to nap..

Who are these women who can wear a short dress while pregnant? Seriously congrats ladies, cuz it aint gonna happen over here. Yikes!

The Bundys were not real people..there I said it. Not real. Just actors. Brilliant actors if I say so myself haha..what's done is done.

I was named after that painting, well I was named after my moms dog that was named after that I was named after the painting:)

Mother effer! I spelled avocado wrong......moving on.

I eat so much avacado,I'm gonna turn into 1.then what? Who the hell is gonna hire a freakin avacado?

Being lazy until I have to get ready for the Do Something Awards..Then 6 hours of hair and makeup to make me look presentable.nah only 4:)

Would be the first twitter I found thats actually worth checking out.



Just woke up from a dream where Gwen Stefani told me she lost all her baby weight by drinking sand......dream analysis please I just laughed so hard



My thoughts go out to the families of 911 victims today. And to the relief workers who are suffering from the aftermath....... 6:21 AM Sep 11th via web
Seriously ? The real issue is how little help the later get. How they have to fight to get the medical treatments they need. If they get it at all.



I think I should stop reading her Twitter

She has just a too cute pic on it

Every time I see it I want to hug and squeeze that sweet woman



I totally agree!! I've been following her on twitter pretty much since she first joined in 2009 when I saw her on Ellen and she said she'd just joined twitter and said her twitter name for anyone who wanted to follow her. She is so funny!! Did you see way back when she posted that photo of a drawing she did as a kid- funny as!! Are you talking about that photo of her as a child? How adorable and pretty is she in that photo? You can tell it's her for sure, I hope her daughter looks just like that!!


Not surprised she's funny in real life, because she knows exactly where all the jokes are in her reaction shots in her movies.
