MovieChat Forums > Casey Affleck Discussion > A sociopath or narcissist like so many o...

A sociopath or narcissist like so many other artists?

Does this ability to mask his lack of consciousness against women rights, including no sexual harassment, deserves an oscar?


Please tell me you're a troll.


Lets go through this one more time, and this is coming from a man (me) who has always cared more then most men about womens rights, Id say.

TO THE ARTIST AWARD GIVING INDUSTRY THAT IS AWARDING ART AND PERFORMANCES, they are not looking at the artists personal life especially if there are issues at hand that may not be fully understood, THEY ARE AWARDING THE PERFORMANCE WHETHER YOU, THE PERSON WHO HATES THE PERSON WINNING, like it or not.

Thats is what that Oscars has ALWAYS supposed to be about. Should we also scold grammys and emmys for giving Bill Cosby several awards just because they didnt know about his abuse of women then? theyre specific job is to award the performance, so Casey could win an oscar this month and be in jail next month but the Oscar community to focus on this month not next month and would not be wrong for awarding him the trophy if his performance was the best.
