As Wonder Girl

I always thought that she looked hot as Wonder Girl in "Wonder Woman." Too bad that Lynda Carter and her didn't get along, or at least one would think, since she took that cheap shot at Carter's husband and the BCCI scandal on David Letterman.


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Wonder Girl is totally hot!


I've read from countless sources that Debra was a complete a$$hle to both Lynda Carter and later to Shirly Maclaine. Debra also has said some very nasty things about her own gender. She's a good actress, but not very likeable personality-wise from what I've read. I think Lynda was being gracious by not mentioning the troubles that she had with Debra. Debra spent a lot of time complaining about Lynda; she was quoted in New Woman as whining that Lynda "made" her wear the same eye shadow as Lynda. I laughed at the pettiness of Debra's complaints. I'm sooo glad I never had to work with someone like her.


I loved Wonder Girl but its a shame that Debra is that type of person.


What the hell are you saying, Coryraisa? Are you nuts or what? How dare you to call Debra that!!! You must be lunatic, respect her she is the greatest ok? And if she had problems with Lynda Carter or Shirley Maclaine is because both are two arrogant people and we know Debra cant stand arrogant people!!! Be serious, to be respected you must first respect allright?


What type of person is Debra? can you tell me, Iferrigon-1? can you explain to me what type is she? because if you are calling Debra a bad person or other nasty names, i want to know why!!!so please tell me, cuz it sounds like you spare no words to insult Debra!!!!!
