MovieChat Forums > Michael Wincott Discussion > The voice of Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)

The voice of Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)

If they decided to have actual voice acting in the Zelda games, I think Wincott would sound awesome as Ganondorf. What do the rest of you think?


I'm not really a gamer, but I think Mr. Wincott (and his rather distinctive voice) would be pretty much awesome in almost anything he lends his voice talents to.

I'd personally want him to do some audio books. I'd "squeeeeeeeee" with absolute glee if that ever happens!


Yes, please encourage any future voice acting to be in the form of great literature. I've read audio books for money and it's fun! You feel like you are lending to the education of the reader, not the carpal tunnel pain of the gamer. However, the exploration of a unique character can come in many forms. One of those is to voice an animated being. The drama level of some of these new games is quite sophisticated, warranting someone of Michael's talent to lend that special affirmation of quality.

What book would you like to hear Bella? How about we start with "The Tell-Tale Heart" and progress from there?

Laura, webmistress,


Oh, a selection of Poe's short stories would be incredible. I am rather excited/creeped out at the thought of him reading "The Raven" or "The Fall of the House of Usher" in only the way he can. I'm all about the classics, so I would say Steinbeck, Dickens, Hawthorne, Bronte, Dumas, Stevenson would all be choices on my list. Oh, what a tale he could weave for us!


But I would also want him to explore his lighter side as well.
How about a Cat in the Hat book?

Sorry, M. I couldn't resist the was either that or a snickers bar.

Laura, webmistress,


Well, he did do "Tatum the Toad" which always makes me giggle like a school girl when shuffles in on my iPod! And, if we are going the Dr. Seuss route, I would like to throw my favorites "The Lorax" and "The Sneetches" into the ring for consideration. Oh, I bet he could tell quite a fun bedtime story like "Where the Wild Things Are" or "Goodnight, Moon" that even a grown-up could enjoy! Oh, the possibilities are endless. =)


Laura, I'd love to hear one of your audio books! :-)

Yeah, Michael would be amazing at reading literature -- and I think there is some decent bucks in it as well, as I have seen very well known actors reading various novels.

I'd especially like to hear him read something like an Anne Rice Vampire novel -- something dark and brooding.

For those who haven't heard his children's story, "Tatum The Toad", it is a short, sweet delight.
