The Farewell

Just in case you were interested...


Thanks Bella. I saw it about a month ago and wasn't able to share it.

As always, our friend Michael is brilliant! I wish I could make everyone in the world watch this to see what I've seen for 20 years.

Laura, webmistress,


Just saw it today, on the new site, Laura...

A very nice performance, and definitely, this is a step or two up from "Lula" by the same director. Very much worth seeing.

Darn that I didn't see this two weeks ago, but I haven't been checking in as often as I should!

Once again, belledante: KUDOS!!!! for your sharp eyes and web-hunting skill!


Brilliant! I've been looking for this ever since it came out.


I'm so inspired by this that I want to direct my own short-this is on 16mm so must have cost a fair bit?


@Death-jamm -- no probably not as bad as you might think.

Of course, there are still 16mm film cameras out there, and probably a few labs that still process it, so you could probably pick up some equipment cheaply on ebay or craigslist.

But most aspiring filmmakers today shoot on DIGITAL VIDEO -- and the cost has come down -- you could get basic equipment in the $600 range, or a nice set-up for maybe $2000.

I have this on good authority from my nephew, who is a video/film major at Syracuse U., and has his own digital video camera -- he's done about 30 short films (not quite as long or elaborate as "The Farewell" but close) and some are startlingly professional looking!

The opportunities have never been greater or more affordable than now for aspiring filmmakers! You might also wish to read about Justin Evans, who made a film with Michael Wincott called "A Lonely Place for Dying" -- shot it himself on rented equipment and in local New Mexico settings, and edited it himself, even did the posters himself. Pretty impressive!


Thanks I WILL read about this stuff!
