MovieChat Forums > Michael Wincott Discussion > Is he a good guy ever?

Is he a good guy ever?

The only movie I've seen where he doesn't play a bad guy was in Aliens, but he wasn't exactly a good guy and died really quickly.


Michael has played his share of the "villain" roles, but in several outings his characters were not "bad guys."

--Jeremy in What Just Happened is the most recent. He is a film-maker with an attitude and unique artistic eye.
--Frankie in Gunshy does work for an Atlantic City crime family, but has a heart of gold.
--Hayes in the western Seraphim Falls is a hired gunslinger, but really doesn't hurt anyone and is only after the bounty.

Those are just three. Take a look at them. Each are excellent films and performances.

Laura, webmistress,


THANK YOU!! Now I know what I'll bet netflixing next.

What's a webmistress?


I hope you can find the time to watch my suggestions.

A webmistress is someone who creates and manages a website. Sometimes they are called webmaster, but since I'm a lady, I prefer the feminine.

Laura, webmistress,


ooooo okay, I thought you were some kind of online girlfriend of Michael Wincott.


Gosh no. It's purely a professional thing.

Laura, webmistress,


I guess you can say he played a "good guy" in Basquiat.


Thanks for remembering the lovely Rene Ricard.
Michael's subtle, yet powerful, portrayal of a real and very interesting man, helped to solidify his unique talent. It showed how flawlessly Michael can bring a character to a higher level.

Laura, webmistress,


All great suggestions, Laura! I always especially recommend "Gunshy" because he plays one of the lead roles, and it's a big meaty part with a lot of characterization -- and a love story!

However, we can add his role in "Nixon" as a strict big brother to Sean Penn...."Before Night Falls", where he is a Cuban dissident...."Basquiat" where he is a gay artist in 80s NYC...."Dead Man" where he is a very talkative bounty hunter...."The Doors" where he is a 60s rock n' roll manager...."Born on the 4th of July" where he is an injured vet..."Suffering Bastards" where he is a stand up comic..."Bloodhounds of Broadway" where he is a bartender.

In fact, really most of his roles are NOT villain roles -- just the most famous roles in the most popular films. Actually what is impressive is how vast his RANGE is -- from light comedy to heavy dramatic roles.
