rice and bananas

I saw on his trivia today that while preparing for The Deer Hunter he ate only rice and bananas to achieve a very guant and thin look. I am a very devoted vegetarian (see my signature, below), and recently have become mostly a vegan as well, and two of the foods I normally eat because of that are rice and bananas (both vegan). And just like him during this time, I very well could eat only rice and bananas and it would not differ too much from my present diet. Because most every night for supper I eat a can of red Kidney beans over a pan of a half a box of white rice (my favorite food). And some days in the middle of the day I eat a large pan of plain white rice, from a whole box of rice. And I have occasionally eaten a few bananas at this time. I normally eat a few carrots at this time, and have thought about switching to bananas, which I like alot better anyway, but have stuck with carrots because they are alot cheaper and go alot farther. And I have recently thought of just eating a whole box of rice at this time every day, but have not done this because I fear it may be a little too expensive, and too fattening. I also usually eat two bowls of cereal (mostly Special K) with water in the morning for breakfast, but on a few days I have eaten some bananas then instead. So what I could do to eat a strictly rice and bananas diet is eat a few bananas in the morning, a large pan of plain white rice in the middle of the day, and then another large pan of rice and a few bananas for supper. That would come to less than twenty dollars a week, which I definitly could afford. I do have alot of cans of beans and carrots right now, enough to last through January 17, but after that I could very possibly change to this strictly rice and bananas diet (except on Saturday nights, when I go to the Olive Garden and get either minestrone soup or garden salad), and if I do change to this diet it will be Christopher Walken who inspired me to do so, after seeing his trivia. I will think about this for the next week and a half, then on January 17 decide wreather to go with it or not.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park
