
As an actor, I like you. But when it comes to politics, wake up. Please wake up. You have no idea what Donnie will do.


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I've always liked him as an actor, too.


In the '70s and '80s, Voight was your prototypical Hollywood liberal. In the 21st century, he's your prototypical conservative.

But he falls back on shallow talking points regardless of which side he's promoting or pummeling.

In the '80s, when he was involved in Native American rights, he gave a tearful speech saying that a mystical wondrous event was about to unfold. As a result, embarrassed tribe elders had to go in front of the cameras to say they had no idea what Voight was talking about.

At least Mary Tyler Moore had the excuse of her brain and body shutting down to explain her eleventh-hour surge to the right politically.

Voight, on the other hand, just seems to be foolishly sputtering along as he always has, regardless of which ticket he's supporting this week.

Trump's "going to be a terrific president" ?? Like that mystical event in the '80s you were warbling on about??

Okay, Jon. We'll have take your word on it.

