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"...but you have this stupid woman from that I had never even heard of..."

One doesn't need to have acting expertise to criticize someone for that. We do it all the time, and most of us hardly have any experiences in acting or drama - but that doesn't stop us from holding an opinion, now, does it? If thousands of nameless, faceless strangers can criticize legendary actresses all day and night in IMDB, why can't she? And if you can criticize Thompson (an actress), then so can she. So irrespective of her acting talent, she has the right to have her opinion and say it openly.

No, I'm not her fan, and I've not seen a single film of hers (beside the Harry Potter franchise, where is a little more than a cameo). I just entered her page because I'm about to watch Sense and Sensibility (again, not for her - for Kate), and saw your post and thought of commenting.


Mediocre??? You must be another ignorant American. Emma Thompson is one of the greatest living actresses. Probably one of the greatest British actresses of all time. Mediocre films? I bet you haven't even see any of them. Howards End is one of the greatest period pieces ever made, and Emma Thompson gives an absolutely mindbogglingly beautiful performance. She's won Oscars for both screenwriting and acting. If anyone has to right to criticise another actor's performance, it's her.

Face it. If Audrey Hepburn wasn't as beautiful as she was, she'd hardly be remembered these days.


she isn't famous

She has won two Oscars; one for best actress, the other for best screenplay. She is very well known worldwide. The fact that you have not heard of her is irrelevant.


Explain to me why you have any right to have your own opinions on this subject then. You obviously haven't much of her acting, and considering that you haven't even heard of her, you mustn't be much of a movie fan. That makes you ignorant.
