MovieChat Forums > Emma Thompson Discussion > Let's face it Emma. You are simply jealo...

Let's face it Emma. You are simply jealous of Audrey

You will never be as popular as her. Not in your wildest dreams and that is probably eating you up really bad.I used to think you were a respectable person but I had no idea how deep your head is stuck up ass.

What flabbergasts me is that what were you actually trying to accomplish ? NO SERIOUSLY?
Did you really think you were going to win favour of people by slagging one of the most iconic and BELOVED actresses of the past freaking 100 years? All you accomplished was infamy but then so has Paris Hilton and Lindsy Lohan and unfortunately for you , I reckon a lot of people prefer Paris Hilton antics over such tactless comments.

Last but not least , many people use the term "witty" for you. Witty my ass.
How daft can you be Emma? You are playing in a REMAKE Of movie that so many people have seen JUST BECAUSE OF HER PERFORMANCE. God your dumb.

No bastard won a war by dying for his country.He won it by making other dumb bastards die.


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She's jealous and arrogant (and gross).


Hey, idiot OP...

She's not playing Eliza Doolittle....Carey Mulligan is. She may or may not create a role for herself, or take one already written in the story line. However, she is most certainly not playing Eliza.

As for her comments...I agree with what she said about Audrey Hepburn. Jesus actor can't comment on another actor's lack of talent? Yes, she's dead. Would it be better for her to say it while she was alive? You think that that would make Hepburn feel have someone to her face say she had very little acting ability? She was ok in Roman Holiday, and lucked out in winning the Oscar. And anyway, Emma was referring to her single performance in My Fair Lady, which I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree was an appalling part, an appalling characterization, an appalling interpretation by Hepburn. Hepburn was lovely to look at, charming, extremely generous...and Emma took none of those qualities from her. She merely commented on Hepburn's acting in "Lady", as well as the whole film itself. She was saying that there is a much darker, more serious story to be told in the way of what Eliza's father did to make money (e.g., sell his daughter to various suitors for money). I think her film is going to take a much darker, FAR, FAR less saccharine tone...unless the powers that be want to sweeten up to crap again. I know that her second McPhee story was supposed to be much darker as well, and even had a different title (which plays in Europe....Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang). But of course, Hollywood probably thought that people would either interpret it as a) "the Big Bang Theory", they'll lose the idiot Christian/Creationism/Never Believe in Science audience members or b) might sound too in "bang...guns" (it was supposed to refer in general to the time period in which it was set (WWII), and the wars many bombs. I'm looking forward to her interpretation of "My Fair Lady", and hope beyond hope that the nutjob Hollywood suits don't muck it up.



I don't despise her perfs in WAR & PEACE and, yes, in MY FAIR LADY (actually I think Hepburn is better than Harrison in the movie; no matter Marni Nixon dubbed her singing or the oscar snub)

of course Thompson has the right to express her opinion...but Hepburn can't act? I really don't think so...


I highly doubt anyone will enjoy Emma's version of My Fair Lady. She's clearly very arrogant if she believes she is gifted enough to remake a classic.


Any remake, especially by Thompson, is sure to be better than that overproduced monstrosity of excrement.
