
Once my very favorite actress, I find it almost impossible to see her movies because of her anti-Israeli stance; ditto, Alan Rickman. Really breaks my heart because both of them were really tops with me.


Sorry, but you've got her all wrong...

She's not an anti-Semite, she's a pro-Palestinian. She isn't anti-anyone, she's simply siding with Palestine.

I mean, if she was an anti-Semite, if she really had a problem with someone's bloodline, would she have taken in an African orphan as her own informally adopted son? I don't think so.

I know you think she's anti-Israel because of some kind of racism, but she's not. Her stance has everything to do with being fair to the Palestinians and nothing to do with racism. I almost wish it was racism, because then it would make her more flawed/relatable. But, she is far too kind for that. I hope you understand now.

She doesn't hate Jews. She's simply supporting who she views as the underdog, i.e. the Palestinians. She's all about the underdog.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


If she supports underdogs, then she can support my NY Mets.
An african orphan has nothing, one way or the other, of judging one to be an anti-semite or not.
In this world of Israel and Palestine, there is no grey areas, there is only black and white. I support Israel would you call me anti-muslim? I believe in the continuance of Israel, not a destruction of it like many extreme Palestinians. The question of this is Emma Thompson supporting the end of a state of Israel or not? Does she want these two peoples to co-exist or the end of Israel? That's the gist of the subject, nothing else. For if she doesn't believe in a state of Israel, then you just might call her an anti-semite. For the end of Israel cannot happen without death of jews and anybody else who lives there.


Thompson and many of the rest of us who want to see fair play favor a cessation of violence on both sides (for those of you who seem sadly misinformed, Israel's government has all too often been the aggressor, especially once their government was co-opted by the ultra-Orthodox, who don't even consider many of their fellow Jews "real Jews."). Many of us would like to see a Palestinian state, co-existing with Israel. Nobody likes to have his/her homeland stolen from them, nor to be treated as sub-humans. Many of us don't believe in giving the extreme Zionists a pass just because Jews were persecuted in Europe. Two wrongs never make a right. I'm an agnostic, but I live with a Jewish person and have many Jewish friends. Years ago, when we lived in Metro NY, we often attended high holy days services at the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg's temple in S. Orange. The rather political rabbi during the 90s told us a chilling tale of a Reform Jewish family whose baby daughter died in a car accident near Tel Aviv or Jerusalem; I can't recall which. When they went to bury the child, they were turned away by the ultra-Orthodox leaders who guarded the cemetery. What kind of monsters behave that way? If they hate their fellow Jews so much, then it's not much of a leap for them to annihilate Palestinians. We used to live near a town full of Hasidim; the men always glared at us (no doubt because they didn't approve of seeing middle-aged women without husbands or children, let alone because they disapproved of our short-sleeved T-shirts and pants). I've never trusted any group who treats women as second-class citizens. I don't mind if they want to worship a certain way, but I'll never trust people who look upon women as vile temptresses. Most of my Jewish friends (most of whom are Reform or Conservative) share my views about the Israeli government. Are you going to accuse them of being anti-Semitic?

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops!


Can hardly say she's anti-anyone: she talks about the church like it's the gestapo.


That would make her anti-church.


the catholic church grand inquisitor manual, designed to sanction terror during the middle ages was practically copied verbatim first from the gestapo, then from stalin.
there are massive archives full of articles, videos and newspaper photos in which church archbishops and other hierarchy stand side by side with gestapo officers in podiums, doing the zeig heil - zeig heil with one another, witnesed by millions of people.
now why should she not be allowed to point such a correlation between these two 'lost soul' organisations?
after all as your prophets tell you: isn't seeing these proofs, believing that there is not much difference between gestapo and the catholic church?


So lemme get this straight: you aren't denying that Thompson talks about the church like it's the Gestapo, you are defending the position that the Catholic Church is like the Gestapo?


i honestly cannot say what emma thompson has said about the church or the gestapo or both because those are your words: she talks about the church like it's the gestapo.

but here is what i have to say about the church and the gestapo:

the church has created and shared the same terror tactics as gestapo,
has used the same methods of torture and execution as the gestapo,
was issuing certificates of blood purity long before nazi germany started doing so.

The Nuremberg laws of 1935 can be traced all the way back to the Jewry law of 1268: "The jews are deprived of the protection of their natural rights and condemned to eternal misery for their sins"...

I would suggest you read Jonathan Kirsch: The Grand Inquisitor Manual (a history of terror in the name of god)
Also i would suggest you do a research on Google: photos and/or videos of catholic cardinals and archbishops in podiums with gestapo officers making pro nazi speeches and saluting Adolf Hitler.
Am i giving it to you straight Angus-8 or do you want more detailed information and photos?
are you interested to know what Hitler, Stalin and pope Innocent III, all had in common? they all used the same word (filth) about their victims and saw themselves as the cleansing hand of god...
Remember that if nazi germany had won the war, the catholic church would still be by it's side. just because they lost, does not mean that the connection they shared is not there.
