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Zavaroni, was great at feeling\expressing what she was singing. She didn't have the hype of Streisand, or the ambition and narcissism to make it work as well for her. Popular and renowned singers can be unique in their own way, and do they really need an equal?

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Streisand really only has one peer - Judy Garland. They are in a league of
their own. Lena Horne comes very close, as does Ella Fitzgerald, although the
latter was far more jazz influenced and more focused on phrasing than feeling.

I like Karen Carpenter, but she does not belong on such a list.

If we are to include males, only Sinatra.


I like Cummings, too, but he is nowhere near Sinatra or Streisand. It's actually
unfair to compare him here, when he is a good singer.

One singer who had an INCREDIBLE voice was Eydie Gorme. Absolutely astonishing
instrument. So does Vicki Carr.
