MovieChat Forums > Barbra Streisand Discussion > Streisand earns $46M with just 14 concer...

Streisand earns $46M with just 14 concerts in 2016

Streisand was one of the top performers in the US for 2016, taking in a whopping $46M with only 14 performances. The tour began in early August, where she played 9 performances over three weeks, and then continued in late November - December, where she played 5 more shows...mostly sell-outs. She was the #1 act for the months of November and December.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


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The cream always rises to the top.


She could have funded Gypsy with that.


Maybe she will.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


"Gypsy" needs to go bye-bye, once and for all. Good grief, Streisand
is 75 in the spring.

What I find sad is what Streisand STILL could be doing, other than turning
into Sinatra, as he was in his final years (endless concerts) and Tony Bennett
on record (duet albums): Directing a movie she isn't in; directing a
Broadway play; writing, producing, and even starring in a low to moderate-
budget film. Even though Streisand hasn't directed a truly great film
yet (at least in my opinion), she IS a talented filmmaker. There is still
so many things she could do in these final years. But she seems
trapped in the "legend" mode, and just wants endless Botox, concert DVDs
(we have enough), and more duet albums.

It's time for more ART.


I bet you it would be very hard to convince her not to do a concert tour when she worked 14 nights this year and made $46M or not to do another duet album (when the past 2 debuted at #1 which is pretty unheard of for a 70+ woman in today's music scene). Though I personally wish she would do something different, something tells me she knows what she's doing at 74 1/2.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


How much money does this woman NEED? And as successful as the duet albums
are, they are nothing more than cornball collections of over-produced
schmaltz. Certainly there are a few lovely tracks (I like the "People"
cover with Stevie Wonder, along with the Michael Buble duet). But
enough is enough.

Streisand - now more than ever - seems obsessed with commercial success over
art. She used to be such a risk-taker, and that no longer seems to be
the case. Too bad.


In her NY Times interview a few months ago, Babs stated she would do tour... cause she wants to buy herself another very expensive museum painting.
