MovieChat Forums > James Spader Discussion > didn't age until 42,then aged so rapidly...

didn't age until 42,then aged so rapidly in 10 years

I have jut met this guy ,I watched the secretary today then googled the actor,found out he was 42 at the movie whic was unbeliavable,I thought '' oh boy he must be the other Tom Cruise '' then I saw his pictures from this year,oh god,it is like he never aged until his mid 40s,later he aged all of it at once in a couple of years,I wondered if he had some health problems?

stop talking,brain thinking ! hush ...---The Doctor---


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I have loved him throughout, but I too have wondered if it was due to some health issues. That being said, I saw him in person on Broadway (2009-2010) in the show RACE. When he would come out to sign autographs he looked many years younger in person than he did on stage or on screen.


sooner or later, time catches up with everybody. i think a lot has to do with lifestyle and dna. j.s. is a smoker and a drinker, both of which take their toll...not to mention hearty eater!


Stop it the bunch of you. Yes he shows his age more because of the missing hair. But let me tell you, that guy just exudes sex appeal. I think it's his eyes and mouth not to mention his sultry voice. And he's had that in all of his roles for years. I'm sure drinking and especially the smoking don't help but those are his choices not mine. By the way, if you recall the actor Yul Brynner, he wasn't nearly attractive until he shaved his head like a cue ball, and the ladies had no problem with that. So, let's cut Spader some slack. IMO he's just fabulous.


i didn't mean to imply that spader was no longer sexy and certainly not that he wasn't still a great actor. i was only saying that how one lives can accelerate the aging process. i find j.s.' s lack of vanity refreshing. in a business where actors seem to be gazing at themselves in mirrors to try on what look is best, there is a genuineness to spader's public persona. and that in itself is very sexy indeed.


I'm implying that he's no longer sexy! There, sue me. It is what it is.




>>I'm implying that he's no longer sexy!

YOU don't find him sexy anymore. That doesn't mean he isn't sexy. You're entitled to your tastes but they are just that.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny! 
