Oscar Snub

No nomination for Scott :(


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That sucks. I thought he had a shot at winning this year! I was shocked that he wasn't even nominated.


Yes, he missed 'Best Director', but he still got a nom as 'Best Producer'.

"The Revenant" is shockingly overrated, just like "Mad Max:Fury Road"


Sad. These awards are political though, kinda like high school. Maybe the Academy "liked" another director more...who knows :/


It was nominated for Picture, Actor and Screenplay but not Director?! My goodness, it's a repeat of Gladiator: won Best Picture but not Director, and the joke became "Gladiator was the Best Picture winner that directed itself". Gladiator and The Martian are unthinkable without Ridley Scott. It's just bizarre to snub him in this way.


It's an outrage! And here I thought he was the front-runner to win. Are they really going to hand the award to Inarritu for the second year in a row? That's just sad. And as much as I like "Spotlight," that movie is good primarily because of its screenplay, not the direction. "The Martian" was a far more ambitious production than that. Well, I guess this is it for Ridley Scott. He's 78 years old. I think this might have been his last chance and the Academy blew it.


Exodus: Gods and Kings was so disappointing and bad, I'd have no problem with Sir Scott not winning another award for anything. I haven't been to a movie theatre since...
